The Working Momma

The Working Momma.
That is what I have become these past few weeks…
it hasn’t been easy, in fact its been downright exhausting.
I’m amazed that I’ve been able to get dinner on the table every night even if it is cereal, oatmeal, or pancakes!
Up at 7 to come down and load the Keurig with my coffee then back upstairs to iron the boys school clothes and my work clothes.
Breakfast, packed lunches, teeth brushed, shoes and socks on, backpacks packed and out the door.
Me to work and them to school.
Back home at 5, dinner on the stove, feed the kids (theres a 50/50 chance of me actually getting dinner as well), then upstairs for bath/shower time, put the baby to bed, and back downstairs for homework, a snack, and free play.
I’m usually in bed anywhere between 10-11.
15-17 hour days.
This gig is tough.
Much tougher than I remember.
But I can feel it becoming a bit easier each day.
As my body is adjusting so is my mind.
Little by little, day by day I am feeling a bit normal.
And this is something I am so happy to get back.
A piece of me, a part of who I am.

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