A Recipe, or Not

A whole lot of nothing has been going on here lately.
Zero. Zilch. Nada.
So in order to not leave you hanging today and in an attempt to have something to post I will leave you with a first here on this blog.
{Drum roll please…}
Or lack thereof, ha!
I really really need to improve on my cooking skills so if you have any feel free to comment/email away!
treslittlebirds3 at {gmail}.com
This recipe is super.dooper easy
Like 3 steps easy!
If you are like me and love camping, summer, fires, spending time outdoors with your family and those delicious treats that go along with camping {ahem} SMORE’S then this recipe is for you!
Sometimes I get the hankering- yes I just used that old dusty word on you- for a smore’s in September, or February, or really any month!
So here’s my recipe:


Graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows
or of course whatever it is that you like to top your smore’s with!
Preheat oven to 400 and bake for 7 minutes.
Take out and top with other 1/2 of graham cracker.
See I told you-easy peasy!
Voila!  Instant, scrumptious smore’s all from the comfort of your house 🙂

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